Contact: Clark County Clerk
500 South Grand Central Parkway, Sixth Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89155
(702) 455-4431
Step 3: Obtain a State Business License. All businesses operating in Nevada must obtain a state business license issued by the Department of Taxation. You also will need to obtain a sale and use tax permit and seller’s permit, and complete the Nevada Business Registration and Supplemental Application forms. All of the necessary forms, as well as detailed information, can be obtained from the Department of Taxation.
Contact: Department of Taxation
555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1300
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 486-2300
Step 4: If Required, Obtain a Retail Sales Permit. Every business owner must check with the Department of Taxation to determine if a resale permit and/or an exemption certificate is required, or if the business is subject to a use tax. All of the necessary forms, as well as detailed information, can be obtained from the Department of Taxation.
Contact: Department of Taxation
555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1300
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 486-2300
Step 5: Obtain a Local Business License. In the state of Nevada, all new businesses are required to obtain a license within the city/county in which they operate. From the city of Las Vegas Web site,, you can complete and submit the business license application.
Contact: Department of Finance and Business Services
400 Stewart Avenue, Third Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 229-6281
Step 6: If Required, Obtain a Special Permit. As a new business, you may be required by the city to obtain additional permits from the health, police, fire or building and safety departments.
Additional Contacts:
State Contractors Board
2310 Corporate Circle, Suite 200
Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 486-1100
Transportation Services Authority
2290 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 110
Las Vegas, NV 89146
(702) 486-3303
Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management
500 South Grand Central Parkway, First Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89155
(702) 455-5942
Elder Care/Other Care-Related Businesses
Business State Department of Human Resources Bureau of Licensure
4220 South Maryland Parkway
Building D, Suite 810
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 486-6515
Restaurants/Food Service
Clark County Health District Plan Review
625 Shadow Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
(702) 759-1258
Nevada is considered to be very liberal with respect to the formation and maintenance of corporations and tracks that of Delaware, which attracts a large number of corporations. In Nevada, there are no IRS information-sharing agreements, stockholders are not public record and annual fees are nominal. The only actions necessary to keep a corporation in good standing are to maintain a resident agent in the state and to file a list of current officers and resident agents annually with the Secretary of State before the anniversary date of the formation of the corporation.
The Articles of Incorporation do not require a specification of the exact nature of the business to be conducted. A statement that a business will conduct lawful activity is considered sufficient.
The name of a corporation cannot be the same or deceptively similar to the name of any existing corporation in the state; however, clearance may be obtained in advance from the Secretary of State as to the acceptability of a proposed name, which may be reserved for a period of time upon payment of a small fee.
There are provisions for professional corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, for profit corporations and non-profit corporations, the rules of which are similar to those in most other states.
Before proceeding with the actual formation of a corporation, applicants may wish to consult with an attorney to assure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. International companies relocating to Las Vegas should hire an immigration attorney and use respective embassy or consulate commercial sections for help with industry-specific products.
Contact: Secretary of State
555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 2900
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 486-2880
A license is required to operate a business in the city of Las Vegas and other nearby areas. Each of the following government entities has its own agency that issues licenses to businesses located within that particular jurisdiction. The location, type of business and mode of operation will determine the necessary license and where it should be obtained.